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Starburst Data UX Design Internship

I participated in a 3-month internship at Starburst Data as UX designer. During my time here, I participated in various range of projects from re-designing interfaces, leading a stakeholder's workshops and creating a design system. 

Role: UX Design Intern


Duration: 3 months


Number of projects: 4

Objective & Process

The objective was to:

  • Provide users with the functionality to customize their display name, manage email information, and change their password.

  • Requirement for a redesigned dropdown menu to better convey user roles and facilitate seamless switching between roles.

Step 1: Initial meeting with the User Profile team with product manager, designer, software engineer, and mentors. 


Step 2Low-fidelity mock ups for the team to look over & give feedback 


Step 3: Mid-fidelity mock ups to hand off to engineers for back-end development


Step 4: Full design hand off to engineers after final feedback session and meetings with the team

Results (Click to enlarge)


User Profile Design

Customer Journey Map


The product team requested a customer journey map from the UX design team to better understand the customer's journey as well as their pain points and blockers. Our director of UX assigned me and our UX researcher to facilitate this conversation with other departments (Marketing, Sales, Learning management systems, and Product) 

Prep work

The UX Research intern and I created pre-work assignments to be sent out through FigJam. We wanted to understand how each departments thinks what the user journey is and what they experience at each touch point. We also wanted to get their initial thoughts on who they thought was responsible for each stage. 


Below is a screenshot of the pre-work that was done by the different departments. 

Starburst Product Team's Pre-work (Click to Zoom)

Agenda for Meeting #1


  • A total of 22 people from Starburst joined our meetings 

  • We had people from the Sales, Marketing, Product, and Learning management, Customer success team join both our meetings

  • Each meeting lasted for an hour 

  • Each meeting had pre-work & post-work to help with time for each meeting in-person

Final V.1 Customer Journey Map

Next Steps

  • Starburst asked to leave the user goals + retention empty so they know to do more research for V.2

  • They currently have a V.2 that's a work in progress and can be shown by request

Feedback from Stakeholders

"As facilitators, I think the job is to set up the objectives, then allow the team to get to work... occasionally intervening to ensure things stay on track. I thought both facilitators kept a good balance for the meetings. The format was good, as was the representation of different teams and FigJam was helpful.

- Senior Director, Educational Services

Low-Fi Design System


Our Design team was looking for a low-fidelity design system that the team could use to ideate with designers and share with the developers during the early stages of design for feasibility. 


My role: To create a low-fidelity design system for the team to be able to use easily & make it very obvious that it's a lofi design system that is just to be used for brainstorming and checking for feasibility with developers


What to consider:

  • Make it as obvious as possible that it's at the low fidelity stage by using black and white, comic sans font, and almost comic strip-like feel

  • Consistency from the actual design system that Starburst originally has

  • Only use of one icon and one button type for easy understanding of just the basic structure of the prototype

Results (full design system available by request!)

Impact (Feedback from the Design & Development Team)

  • "We are able to have faster iterations for design and product

  • "rapid prototyping to test feasibility have become much easier"

  • "We are lessening the focus on aesthetics from other teams and able to have more focus on function"

  • "The design system helps team not focus on just one idea!"

  • " It's been so convenient to quickly changing from low fidelity to high fidelity by easily swapping components in Figma"

Starburst Academy Re-Design


Starburst Academy is Starburst's Learning Management System. They requested some new designs for their interface as they were getting feedback that it was hard navigating all the resources that they had to offer.


They requested: 

  • Mock-ups for new interface

  • New architecture for the flow of the site

  • Discussions about what may be some solutions to their non-user friendly interface

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 4.39.38 PM.png

Information Architecture is nonexistant

Too much information and too many course with no filter options

No information other than how long the course is on the cards


Starburst was able to integrate the user profile design to their new launch to help users keep track of their information better
The Customer Journey Mapping Workshop served as a great starting point to understand our user journey and future conversations
Lowfi design system has helped the design team & development team to have smoother and clearer communication
Starburst Academy was able to integrate some of the high fidelity designs  to create clearer filter systems + tags for Starburst's users 
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